@inproceedings{ awmw:deparsing, author = "Wróblewska, Alina and Woliński, Marcin", pdf = "http://nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/Bib/awmw:deparsing.pdf", title = "Preliminary Experiments in {Polish} Dependency Parsing", pages = "279--292", crossref = "bou:etal:11:ed" } @book{ bou:etal:11:ed, editor = "Bouvry, Pascal and Kłopotek, Mieczysław A. and Leprevost, Franck and Marciniak, Małgorzata and Mykowiecka, Agnieszka and Rybiński, Henryk", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", title = "Security and Intelligent Information Systems: International Joint Conference, SIIS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, June 13-14, 2011, Revised Selected Papers", url = "http://www.springer.com/computer/communication+networks/book/978-3-642-25260-0", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", booktitle = "Security and Intelligent Information Systems: International Joint Conference, SIIS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, June 13-14, 2011, Revised Selected Papers", number = "7053", year = "2012" }