@inproceedings{ dro:etal:03, author = "Drożdżyński, Witold and Homola, Petr and Piskorski, Jakub and Zinkevičius, Vytautas", title = "Adapting {SProUT} to processing {B}altic and {S}lavonic languages", pages = "18--25", crossref = "cun:etal:03:ed" } @proceedings{ cun:etal:03:ed, editor = "Cunningham, Hamish and Paskaleva, Elena and Bontcheva, Kalina and Angelova, G.", title = "Information Extraction for Slavonic and Other Central and Eastern European Languages", booktitle = "Information Extraction for Slavonic and Other Central and Eastern European Languages", address = "Borovets, Bulgaria", year = "2003" }