@incollection{ kla:etal:22:iccs, editor = "Groen, Derek and de Mulatier, Cl{\'e}lia and Paszynski, Maciej and Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V. and Dongarra, Jack J. and Sloot, Peter M. A.", author = "Klamra, Cezary and Wojdyga, Grzegorz and Żurowski, Sebastian and Rosalska, Paulina and Kozłowska, Matylda and Ogrodniczuk, Maciej", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08754-7_7", isbn = "978-3-031-08754-7", title = "Devulgarization of {P}olish Texts Using Pre-trained Language Models", url = "https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-08754-7_7", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", booktitle = "Computational Science -- ICCS 2022", year = "2022", number = "13351", address = "Cham", pdf = "http://nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/Bib/kla:etal:22:iccs.pdf", pages = "49--55" }