@inproceedings{ kup:mar:97, author = "Kupść, Anna and Marciniak, Małgorzata", title = "Some Notes on {HPSG} Binding Theory for {P}olish", pages = "193--204", crossref = "jun:zyb:97:ed" } @proceedings{ jun:zyb:97:ed, editor = "Junghanns, Uwe and Zybatow, Gerhild", publisher = "Vervuert Verlag", isbn = "ISBN 3-89354-267-1", title = "Formale {S}lavistik", series = "Leipziger Schriften zur Kultur-, Literatur-, Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft", booktitle = "Formale {S}lavistik", year = "1997", volume = "7", address = "Frankfurt am Main", annote = "Proceedings of the First European Conference on Formal Description of {S}lavic Languages, Leipzig, 1995" }