@inproceedings{ pie:myk:05, author = "Piechociński, Dariusz and Mykowiecka, Agnieszka", title = "Question Answering in {P}olish Using Shallow Parsing", pages = "167--173", crossref = "gara:05:ed" } @proceedings{ gara:05:ed, editor = "Garabík, Radovan", publisher = "VEDA: Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akadéme vied", booktitle = "Computer Treatment of {S}lavic and {E}ast {E}uropean Languages: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar, {B}ratislava, {S}lovakia, 10--12 November 2005", address = "Bratislava", title = "Computer Treatment of {S}lavic and {E}ast {E}uropean Languages: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar, {B}ratislava, {S}lovakia, 10--12 November 2005", year = "2005" }