@inproceedings{ pisk:04, author = "Piskorski, Jakub", abstract = "In this paper, we present some attempts towards constructing a named-entity recognition system for Polish on top of SProUT, a novel multi-lingual NLP platform and by deploying standard machine learning techniques.", title = "Extraction of {P}olish Named-Entities", pages = "313--316", crossref = "lrec:04" } @proceedings{ lrec:04, title = "Proceedings of the Fourth International {C}onference on {L}anguage {R}esources and {E}valuation, {LREC}~2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth International {C}onference on {L}anguage {R}esources and {E}valuation, {LREC}~2004", year = "2004", key = "LREC", address = "Lisbon", organization = "European Language Resources Association (ELRA)" }