@inproceedings{ sal:wol:03, author = "Saloni, Zygmunt and Woliński, Marcin", title = "A Computerized Description of {P}olish Conjugation", pages = "373--384", crossref = "kos:etal:03:ed" } @proceedings{ kos:etal:03:ed, editor = "Kosta, Peter and Błaszczak, Joanna and Frasek, Jens and Geist, Ljudmila and Żygis, Marzena", publisher = "Peter Lang", booktitle = "Investigations into Formal {S}lavic Linguistics: Contributions of the Fourth {E}uropean Conference on Formal Description of {S}lavic Languages -- {FDSL IV} held at {P}otsdam {U}niversity, {N}ovember 28--30, 2001", address = "Frankfurt am Main", title = "Investigations into Formal {S}lavic Linguistics: Contributions of the Fourth {E}uropean Conference on Formal Description of {S}lavic Languages -- {FDSL IV} held at {P}otsdam {U}niversity, {N}ovember 28--30, 2001", year = "2003" }