@inproceedings{ wroblewska:09, author = "Wróblewska, Alina and Frank, Anette", title = "{Cross-Lingual Projection of LFG F-Structures: Building an F-Structure Bank for Polish}", year = "2009", pages = "209--220", crossref = "pas:etal:09:ed" } @proceedings{ pas:etal:09:ed, editor = "Passarotti, Marco and Przepiórkowski, Adam and Raynaud, Savina and Van Eynde, Frank", pdf = "http://tlt8.unicatt.it/allegati/Proceedings_TLT8.pdf", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories ({TLT~8})", address = "Milan, Italy", title = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories ({TLT~8})", year = "2009" }