@incollection{ zaw:ogro:14:cl, editor = "Kuźniak, Marek and Libura, Agnieszka and Szawerna, Michał", author = "Zawisławska, Magdalena and Ogrodniczuk, Maciej", publisher = "Peter Lang", title = "The same or just much the same? {P}roblems with coreference from the reader's perspective", series = "Studies in Language, Culture and Society", booktitle = "From Conceptual Metaphor Theory to Cognitive Ethnolinguistics. {P}atterns of Imagery in Language", year = "2014", volume = "3", address = "Frankfurt am Main", pdf = "http://nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/Bib/zaw:ogro:14:cl.pdf", pages = "173--184" }